I mentioned a while back that I was going to build a new home for the Rental market. I recently bought 4 lots in a subdivision at literally 10 cents on the dollar, so this helped make my new venture affordable. So far the construction is going as planned. Well, maybe not as planned as I didn’t really know how it would go exactly, but it is as I expected having seen homes being built in the past.
I pulled the permit back last year and the slab was poured around the 1st of February (2015). We have had an extraordinary amount of rain, ice and snow this year, so this has made construction progress a bit more slowly than summertime building, however, I am pleasantly surprised at how quickly it is going in spite of the weather. Here are some pics of the progress.
Here we have our slab and our first delivery of lumber… the fun is only just beginning! Slabs ALWAYS look tiny no matter the size of the house. This will eventually be a 1700 sq. ft. house! (Believe it or not!)
I just love seeing the hits on my credit card for lumber… it’s more expensive than you think! BUT just think of all those miles I’m getting! After this is all done we should be able to fly somewhere warm for vacation!
Framing begins… excitement grows!
Yes, I’m sure we are annoying the neighbors, but they are rarely home during the day.
Not a lot of new framing going on because of this skiff of snow which turned into a huge icy road situation.
Second floor framing begins.
They are cutting the rafters and getting them all ready to go on top.
Doesn’t it look bigger now that there is framing going on? Man that slab looked SO SMALL!
Notice the right side of the garage has a big space where the sheathing is above the door? There is a piece missing there… it’s for our Earthquake codes. Although Memphis has not seen an earthquake since the 1800’s with any magnitude to hurt anything, we are still required to put certain products related to earthquakes in each build. It’s crazy, but alas…. government at its finest!
Fun Fact: Memphis’s Earthquake Seismic Zone is the SAME as San Francisco’s! Really?! Yep!
Now the sheathing goes on.
More exterior work going on… we now have a cornice and roof decking. It’s really starting to look like a real house!
The balance of the house will be brick. This will keep the structure very low maintenance. The siding was put on the front to help make it pretty. This should be very low maintenance as well if we will just keep it painted well.

As of today, we have some windows in and we are getting our jacket put on (this is the house wrap). It is made out of the same material that “wind breaker” jackets were made out of back in the 80’s.
BY THE WAY: Thanks 84 Lumber for giving me GREAT PRICES on my products! Gotta love my 84 Lumber dudes!